Fear of cyber fraud demolishes the value of bitcoin


LONDON, United Kingdom (Reuters) –

The value of bitcoin has fallen to its lowest level since Friday as declining investor interest and recent negative statements by global regulators have weakened demand Crypto-currencies

Virtual currencies, including the largest and best-known bitcoin, have been in a downtrend for most of 2018, after the frenzied interest of the country. last year began to dwindle.

and "cyberintrusion" in cryptocurrency operators in major Asian markets also encouraged investors to leave the sector.

Bitcoin dropped to $ 5,774 on the Bitstamp platform, its lowest level since Nov. 12. . In his latest advanced quote of 0.7%, at $ 5,889.

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Up to now in 2018, bitcoin has lost about 60% after climbing over 1,300% year-round former. And it has subtracted 70% since its peak in December.

Other cryptocurrencies also depreciated this Friday. Ethereal Ether, the second-largest value of cryptocurrency in value, is down 4% to $ 416, its lowest level since April. Ripple's XRP also lost 4% to $ 0.44, its lowest of the year according to Coinmarketcap.com.

"The frenzy that surrounded the" crypto "was dimmed and prices dropped," said Will Hobbs, Director of Barclays Smart Investor. "Currently, no cryptocurrency meets the criteria that invertible assets should have, and we will continue to recommend extreme caution.The cryptocurrency collapse is not over yet."

The Bank of England warned banks and insurers Thursday that beware of cryptoactives because they can be very volatile and vulnerable to fraud.

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