Female Infertility: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis


Female infertility is 40% of the cases associated with female factors that prevent a baby, but there are currently methods to achieve this dream, such as assisted procreation.

In Mexico, according to the INEGI data, about 1.5 million couples have this problem and less than 50% of them are talking to a specialist to find solutions that will help them realize their dream of life. ;have a baby.

Therefore, Dr. Karina del Carmen Olmos de la Torre, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics attached to Ingenes, says that it is very important to understand what is female infertility and its causes or factors .

One of the first to be taken into account is age, because it is related to 25% of cases in women over 35 years and 30% in over 40 years, says the specialist.

Female Infertility: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of frequent intercourse, without a contraceptive method, in women under 10 years of age. of 35 years, which is reduced to 6 months of sexual intercourse. frequent for women over 35

Overall, the causes of infertility are divided into 40% in male factors, 40% in female factors, 10% in mixed factors and the remaining 10% in unknown factors.

With regard to the most common causes of female infertility, the WHO says that they are:

– Ovulatory disorders (25%)

– Endometriosis (15%)

– Pelvic adhesions (12%)

– tubal obstruction (11%)

– Other alterations of the tubes (11%)

– Hyperprolactinemia (7%)

A large percentage of cases of female infertility is asymptomatic. However, when they are present, Dr. Carmen explains that the following signs or symptoms have been identified: irregular menstruation, breast milk secretions, moderate to severe pelvic pain.

To establish an adequate diagnosis of female infertility, the Ingenes specialist states that factors such as clinical history, lifestyle and various tests should be evaluated, and this, in several respects:

Clinical history

– Duration of infertility

– Menstrual history (characteristics and duration)

– Medical and surgical history

– Obstetrics Fund

– Family history (infertility, genetics)

– substance addiction.


– physical exploration

– Body mass index and physical characteristics (Habitus)

– thyroid and mother

– Vaginal contact to eliminate a tumor in case of suspicion of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Diagnostic tests

– Sperm analysis for the detection of male infertility

– Transvaginal ultrasound for evaluation of the uterine cavity and the ovarian reserve

– Hysterosalpingography, in case of tubal cause suspicion

– Other hormonal tests (FSH and AMH).

When should I diagnose female infertility?

A timely diagnosis is essential to receive the most appropriate treatment for the cause of female infertility, as ovum quality decreases with age.

Given the above, Dr. Karina del Carmen recommends that women under the age of 35 be re-examined: if after one year of sexual intercourse, they have not had a pregnancy, in adults over 35 years of age after 6 months and before 6 months. if they have any of the following characteristics:

– be over 40

– frequent menstruation

– Endometriosis

– History of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

How do I know if I am fertile?

Do not forget that if you and your partner have been trying to be parents for a long time but you can not, it is very important that you consult an AHR specialist, who will perform tests. and infertility and can give you the correct diagnosis, as well as the best treatment option to achieve your dream of having a baby.

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