Feminist message "hidden" in the character of Marcela Basteri | who


For Anna Favella her character in Luis Miguel, the series made much more sense than simply representing Marcela Basteri, the singer's mother Luis Miguel .

Via Electrónico, the actress said Who.com that the character left him a great teaching with a feminist background, since it represents how many women have been treated in the 80s and all that should not be

"I was very attached to my character and he left me a feeling of tenderness and love in my heart. It also reminded me of the life of a woman in a macho family and the great opportunity we have today in 2018 to denounce the facts and ask for help. I hope this message can add value to many women who are afraid to talk about their condition because, although many years have passed since the 1980s, there are still places in the world where this happens. "

How do you remember recordings with Óscar Jaenada?
For me, he is a great artist and actor because he always looks for something very special in his characters, and I love this way of working. I remember we did together, [recuerdo] when he spoke to me about Luis Rey and his macho mentality, so we built this dynamic with his wife, that he never had left alone, all that he sent her. "

How did the work with Izan Llunas and Luis de la Rosa work?
They are two very talented and kind guys, it was very easy to see them as" my Sun "because they are really like that, besides, Izan has a divine voice and Luis will surely be A promise of cinema!

Did you meet Diego Boneta?
I met him several times on the set and I told him said that he had done a very good job, that he had won this big challenge because it was not easy to face such a beloved and known character, but he did it excellent.

How is it to play a character whose end is so mysterious?
It's very strong because every detail and every gesture can be referred to its story because we know that everyone is wondering what happened to him.

The rela Marcela and Luis Miguel was stronger than the one he had with s In the other children or in the series, more importance was given to Marcela with her eldest son for narrative reasons?
This is the story of Luis Miguel in several years of his life and there were only 13 chapters, so I think the most important was to explain his point of view and what has happened to him. Between his mother and him, there was really a special relationship, for her he was his own sun.

From your point of view, how is Luis Miguel like Marcela ?
For me, he inherited from her the light, her smile, her tenderness, her humanity, her sensitivity. One reflected the other and vice versa.

How does the audience reach the wake of the series?
I am very glad that the series is pleasing to everyone, I hope that it also comes out in other countries because it is really very well done. The public has received me very well, is very affectionate with me and takes great care of me. Every day, I receive millions of messages in which they thank me for my interpretation. I take the opportunity to thank everyone because now I am even more engaged with Latin America, which I love with all my soul.

For you, the most moving scene of Marcela is that of the concert in Argentina. How do you remember the recording?
It was very exciting for me. We were really at the peak of a scene with lights and music. Plus, I knew it had really happened, so in a moment, I was really moved watching Luis and imagining that he was singing in front of his mother in front of a lot of people. I was moved by the gesture of having your mother on stage, including her in her life and career. He wanted her to be there even though the father did not want to leave him with his mother.

You did not meet Luis Miguel in person, but you did meet Alex Basteri. How did the meeting with him go?
It was fast and we could not talk much. What I think is that for him, the important thing was to convey his feelings and his memories of sons.

What impression did Luis Miguel give you during his concert at the National Auditorium?
I saw him as he had known him all his life, as though he was part of my own family. And when I sang, I recognized her smile that I saw so much and "studied" in the videos I saw when I was a kid. It was a huge gift to see him live and feed his great aura. It was like feeling so familiar and so strong energy at the same time. For a moment, I saw it as if it was "my sun".

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