FEMSA's net income nearly doubled in the second quarter


The bottler and the Mexican retailer FEMSA reported Friday that its net profit had increased 88.8% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2018 thanks to foreign exchange gains and losses. Bestsellers.

The net profit of the company that operates the Coca-Cola bottler FEMSA (KOF) and convenience stores Oxxo reached 8 thousand 796.4 million pesos (442.6 million dollars ) thousand 657.1 million in the same period of 2017.

FEMSA's revenues increased by 8.6 percent to 124 thousand 708 million pesos in April-June.

He pointed to the commercial division with a 9.7% increase in revenues, reflecting the opening of 483 Oxxo stores during the quarter to reach 472 net openings in the twelve last months.

"In Coca-Cola FEMSA (KOF), sales in Mexico showed resilience, reflecting positive pricing initiatives, while in Brazil we still saw good volume trends despite a macroeconomic environment difficult, "said Eduardo Padilla. FEMSA cited in the report.

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