Fepade declares his readiness to respond to complaints on polling day



Héctor Díaz Santana, Chief of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Attention of Electoral Crimes ( Fepade) assured that the [1] July 1945 [1] ] there will be more than 14 000 644 PGR officials deployed in the Mexican Republic in to inhibit possible criminal behavior and to deal with all the complaints that arise in connection with electoral crimes.

During his participation in the Visitor Information Forum, observers of the 2017-2018 electoral process, he explained that the responsibility of the Office of the Prosecutor is to fulfill its mission of preventing, prosecuting and repressing electoral crimes and to coordination with the INE and the TEPJF the commitment that each institution has for the Sunday election.

The President of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, reco The process of July 1 will be the most observed in the democratic history of Mexico, with participation about 30,000 national election observers.

Candidates present themselves to INE expenses for more than 3 000 778 mdp in the countryside

In addition, 907 foreign visitors from 60 countries and nearly three million representatives of political parties who will monitor the work of citizens who will be part of the casilla management boards.

At the opening session of the Forum, the President of INE explained the stages of the organization of the electoral process and underlined that the steps were taken to reach the elections with the highest degree of certainty and confidence possible

. the Nominal List conformation with greater coverage and quality, as well as one of the five best standards in the world with coverage of 98.3% and 89.1 million potenc For the election of Three thousand 460 positions at the federal and local level, Cordova Vianello pointed out that about 156 thousand places operated by 1.4 million citizens will be installed throughout the country.


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