Fernández Noroña scolds Twitter with Inés Sainz, Álvarez Icaza …


Mexico City – Two days before the elections, Gerardo Fernández Noroña attacked Hector de Mauleón, Inés Sainz, Juan Ignacio Zavala, Emilio Álvarez Icaza, Carlos Mota, among others, defendant Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the project he directs

From the beginning, the candidate for the District IV deputy of Iztapalapa had a disagreement in the social network with Inés Sainz, who said that he felt sorry for the bitters, who are asked to vote and respond very badly.

He then attacked the journalist Carlos Mota who posted a message on the network social, in which he expressed that he was disgusted that Morena used the money for the victims to election campaigns.

What disgust spreading false news. You who have been personified corruption, you want to belittle everyone, but you have not succeeded. Sunday, the front of Guango, the other front and all those in front of them will have just deserved. https://t.co/173peWW6dJ

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