Fey calls for differentiated voting and it's raining criticism in social networks


Fey was criticized now after Azuchar Amargo's interpreter asked his followers of social networks to vote differently.

Through a video that he shared on Twitter, Fey said, "Whenever you go to vote for someone like a party chairman, vote for another party as a member of Parliament. .

The reaction of users of the network was not long in coming:

] "Not my pretty Fey, we vote uniformly, otherwise the same corrupt will always prevent the change of the congress "

"The request of those who ask u n divided vote resembles that of battered people but emotionally addicted: PLEASE ME BUT DO NOT LET ME "

" If at least FEY had been pronounced in every massacre, in every act of corruption and concealment, Ayotzinapa , ABC, never did it and now it comes to us asking for a divided vote #ParFavor. "

"And if there is division in the Senate, there is no order of ideas and although many say no, there is confrontation and there are a lot of discussions that reach nothing, so it's better to have a common agreement on what the government is. " They did.

What is the Differentiated Vote

The vote that a citizen deposits in favor of a party in a ballot box and which at the same time votes in another for the candidate of another party. The purpose of the differentiated vote is to remove from a political force the total control of the spaces, promoting with it the balance and the counterweight in the public authorities.

The differentiated vote weakens the "hard vote", which is the sure force with which party counts to deal with electoral processes.


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