Fey gives face to face charges of "arrogance"


CITY OF MEXICO.- It does not stay, Fey answers the accusations of Mane, Wapayasos and Vanessa Claudio.

According to Vanguardia MX, a few days ago, Manelyk, Vanessa Claudio and the Wapayasos talked about the mistreatment they received last Saturday as part of March 40 LGBTTTI pride by Fey.

After various rumors, a few videos that circulated on social networks and various commentaries by artists like Vanessa Claudio, Manelyk, Lis Vega and the Wapayasos, everything seems to indicate that the successful artist of the 90s, Fey, is behaved badly and disrespectfully with his fellow artists last Saturday during the special show that took place in the Zocalo de Mexico, on the occasion of March 40th of the LGBTTTI pride.

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In a press release issued last Tuesday, by Manelyk González and the Wapayasos, it was reported in the words of each artist as the team of Fey, who was crowned as the Queen of the March, did not allow them to finish their show and turned off the microphones.

For Manelyk González, who became famous thanks to reality TV "Acapulco Shore", the attitude of the singer "Bitter sugar " left her very disappointed and regretted "stayed with desire" to present what he had prepared.

On the other hand, the Wapayasos shared a video on social networks and a press release where they assured that Fey and his staff did not allow them to appear at the March event, because that he has advanced his presentation time and it "seized the scene", accusing him of being "On and without education".

Even Vanessa Claudio has had several discussions via Twitter with the singer's fans, since she was one of the first to denounce Fey's attitudes last Saturday. Claudio is defended and assured that it has nothing to do with years of trajectory, but with the organization and respect that each artist deserves.

Today & # 39; hui, Fey finally gave the face, this Wednesday, the singer responded through social networks with a letter explaining what happened and apologize to all his colleagues. Also attached is a video where you can see a little behind the scenes of the show, hinting that his show came because the audience was screaming for his presentation, and assured his team that there is no "arrogance, no superiority".

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