Fiber for satiety and regulate bowel function


According to the nutritionist of the Secretary of Health of Jalisco, Sigrid Pimentel Martín, consume the amount of recommended daily fiber is very important to maintain an adequate state of health, in addition to improve digestion .

"The daily fiber recommendation is 35 grams for men and 30 grams for women," said the specialist.

He commented that fiber is part of the structure of plants, fruits, whole grain grains and legumes such as beans, lentils and beans. The term dietary fiber is used to refer to the fiber found naturally in food, which includes two types: soluble and insoluble.

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] Pimentel Martín explained that soluble fiber is found mainly in fruits, oats, and legumes and is added to processed foods because of its thickening qualities. It dissolves and swells in the water, hence the importance of drinking enough water. This type of fiber delays gastric emptying, contributing to the feeling of satiety.

He added that insoluble fiber facilitates the
Feces elimination This fiber is found in whole grains of wheat, rice and oats, as well as in vegetables and especially fruit peels.

"Consuming enough fiber, coupled with sufficient water intake, prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and reduces the risk of colon cancer," said the nutritionist.

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He said that insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables is one of the top 10 risk factors that contribute to attributable mortality. Each year, up to 1.7 million lives could be saved if world consumption of fruits and vegetables was sufficient.

He added that integrating fruits and vegetables into the daily diet could help prevent major noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.

Finally, Pimentel Martín declared that the varied fruit and vegetable consumption guarantees a sufficient intake of micronutrients in dietary fiber and a number of essential non-nutritive substances. In addition, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables can help replace foods high in saturated fats, sugars or salt.

He recalled that there is no food or "magic" inventions that help to lose weight, the only way to control it is to make Exercise and eat balanced way

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