FIFA invites children trapped in a cave in Thailand to attend the World Cup final


The President of FIFA Giani Infantino today expressed his hope that the twelve Thai footballers trapped in a cave with his monitor are rescued safely and the inviting to attend the final of World Cup, to be played at Moscow on July 15th.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with their family members and we hope that they will soon be able to kiss," he said Infantino, in a letter sent to the president of the Thai Football Federation Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmoung

"Yes, as we hope you can meet your families in the coming days, and their health will allow them to travel, we will be happy to invite you to the finals of the World Cup in Moscow as 'guests', he added in the letter posted on Facebook.


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FIFA stated that he hoped that his words of support would give the children "a little calm and courage" and added, "I sincerely hope that you will join us in the final, which will undoubtedly be a wonderful moment. "

The twelve children, aged between 11 and 16, and members of a football team, as well as their 26-year-old coach, were found Monday night in a dry place, about four kilometers away. Inside some caves flooded, after nine days of intense research.

The cave is located in the natural park Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang No, in Chiang Rai and the thirteen entered galleries on Saturday 23 June after a football training, when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and cut off the exit

The rescue teams managed to get them food for several months, given the difficulty of being able to release them.


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The authorities of Thailand today confirmed the death of a rescue diver, who died at the end of the day. Oxygen by returning to dive from the cavity where the children are.

The amount of oxygen in the cave where the children are. the children descended to 50 percent according to the authorities, who set themselves the goal of expanding the reserves.

The and Rescue teams analyze two options for the children's exit: dive into the flooded passages or find a hole in the mountain to get them out with the help of a helicopter.

Everyone started intensive training to learn to dive, a high-risk option because of the lack of visibility and the narrow passages that should be overcome.

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