FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 ™ – News – Sweden – Switzerland, the preview


2018 FIFA World Cup ™

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  • Sweden wants to be a quarter-finalist for the first time since 1994
  • A victory will put Switzerland in fourth place after 64

Sweden and Switzerland are aware of being in front of a great opportunity. They went to the competition with high hopes, having played good qualifying campaigns – even though they were in the repechage – and now they can get a pass for the quarterfinals that both feel perfectly capable of achieving . [24 años desde la última vez que el combinado sueco estuvo en cuartos]] ( **, in an edition where he would win the bronze medal, that of the USA 1994, while the Helvetics ** [no disputan una eliminatoria de cuartos de final de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA™ desde 1954] ( **, tournament in which they served as hosts.

Both teams have already had great moments in Russia, Sweden with a resounding victory in the second half over Mexico and Switzerland imposing Serbia in a lively duel but they are convinced that their best performance is yet to come.

Sanctions could be decisive for this duel. The set of Vladimir Petkovic ** will not be able to have two poles of his defense, Fabian Schaer and the captain, Stephan Lichtsteiner **, while Janne Andersson ** will have to do without Sebastian Larsson **. [19659010] © Getty Images

The analysis of special envoys of
Alexandra Jonson, with Sweden (follow it on Twitter | Facebook)
A look at FIFA's classification shows that Sweden is not now nor favorite, and its players know it. It's a situation that not only accepts, but prefers. The rearguard will again be the key, although the three goals scored against Mexico showed their danger and effectiveness in attack. In the establishment reign harmony, and they go to this shock with nothing to lose and with a huge desire to continue their trajectory in the World Cup.

Alan Schweingruber, with Switzerland (follow him in Twitter Facebook)
Up to now, the Swiss have practically gotten into the habit of starting the matches badly , which they will try to avoid at all costs against Sweden. They know that their opponent stands out for their physical strength and will strive to dominate the game from the beginning. It will be interesting to see if Lang and Djourou are able to replace their sanctioned teammates without being noticed.

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Did you know that …
Despite 29 passages in the last 98 years, with a record of winning the Swiss (11-10), it was the first time the two teams had won Face a great international tournament

Probable composition
Sweden : Robin Olsen; Mikael Lustig, Victor Lindelöf, Andreas Granqvist, Ludwig Augustinsson; Viktor Claesson, Gustav Svensson, Albin Ekdal, Emil Forsberg; Marcus Berg, Ola Toivonen

** [Suiza] ( **: Yann Sommer; Michael Lang, Johan Djourou, Manuel Akanji, Ricardo Rodriguez; Valon Behrami, Granite Xhaka; Xherdan Shaqiri, Blerim Dzemaili, Steven Zuber; Josip Drmic

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