Fifth installment of "Indiana Jones" is delayed until 2021


The fifth episode of the adventure saga "Indiana Jones" will finally be released in theaters on July 9, 2021, two years after the originally scheduled date, Disney said in a statement today. ; hui. 19659002] In March 2016, Disney announced that Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford were once again joining forces to shoot another chapter of the franchise, which was to hit theaters on July 19th. However, in April 2017, the study pointed out that the project was delayed until July 10, 2020.

A few weeks ago, specialized media suggested that the Filming of the film, which was started in April next year in the UK, had been postponed again.

Sources close to the production told Variety magazine that the problem lay in the storyline of the story.

In fact, the site Specialized Advanced Collider that Jonat Han Kasdan, son of Lawrence Kasdan, scriptwriter of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" – the first installment of Indiana Jones -, had been engaged to produce a new booklet .

David Koepp, author of the previous episode of the saga, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", was commissioned to write the original script of this fifth title.

Previous versions of the saga ("Raiders of the Lost Ark", 1981; "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Destiny", 1984; "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", 1989; e "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Crystal Skull ", 2008) have raised nearly $ 2,000 million in the global box office.


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