Filming in Nicaragua makes six wounded


At least six people were injured on Saturday when unidentified gunmen fired on a group of demonstrators protesting against President Daniel Ortega in Managua, Nicaragua and crossing an invaded property southwest of the city

An AFP team found that six people were being treated by paramedics after several protesters were attacked with bullets while they were walking near land. a business group, occupied for days by peasants and hooded groups. appointed as paramilitary by human rights groups.

The firing took place when a group of demonstrators participating in the massive "March of Flowers" wanted to advance to the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), to support the entrenched students.

"It can not be, history is repeated, it is reported that the group of manifestos The aunts who deviated from (roundabout) Jean Paul Genie to UNAN were attacked with bullets, at least two wounded, no more repression! ", wrote on Twitter the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez.

In the "March of Flowers", which ended in this roundabout, thousands participated in the request for justice for twenty of the minors among the more than 220 dead in two and a half months violent protests.

"It can not be that they repress us, they have blood on their hands," said a woman who did not identify, in the midst of confusion. 19659003] Groups of heavily armed and hooded civilians spread panic in several towns in Nicaragua during the demonstrations Human rights groups and villagers link them with security of Ortega

. "We managed to reproduce them, even with the wounded, but we managed to reproduce them," said a young man on local television

In other cities, such as León (north) and Masaya ( South) -the second and third largest in the country, respectively-, t marches were also organized by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, which brings together civil society.


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