Filtering the title of Avengers 4 without wanting it!


"Avengers 4" will be released in theaters until 2019 and the details surrounding the production of Marvel Studios begin to skid.

We do not yet know exactly the plot of this new opus, nor what will be the superheroes that we will see on the big screen, but the title was revealed today, accidentally by director of photography Trent Opaloch.

The artist from Toronto, Canada, who has previously been involved in previous versions of Marvel such as "The Avengers" (2012), "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (2014), "Captain America: Civil War" (2016) and "Avengers: Infinity War" (2018); He revealed the supposed title of the fourth episode of the saga when he updated his resume on his website, adding "Avengers: End Game".

Obviously, realizing, Trent Opaloch immediately cleared the title and updated it simply: "Avengers 4".

According to the specialized Tomatazos page, it was said that the film would be called "Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet", but the title was changed when screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely changed the screenplay for the film "Avengers". : War in the infinite ".

Up to here, Marvel Studios has not published anything official, but all indicates that the title is correct, since "Avengers: End Game" will be the film that will finish Phase 3, which will also make a change image veteran UCM superheroes like:

Steve Rogers in Captain America's costume

or Tony Stark in the Iron Man.

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