Finally! The Xbox One already allows you to play without waiting for the whole game to be downloaded


One of the great innovations announced by Microsoft over the last E3 was the FastStart technology, which through machine learning would allow users of Xbox One and Xbox One X to play a lot more quickly without having to wait for the entire game to download to enjoy it, and today this new feature is finally available.

FastStart came up with the July update for the Xbox One, and according to the Redmond company, now users can play up to twice as fast in their consoles because the constant complaint of users was the time of Waiting before playing, because with the bet of the games in 4K, not only did we have to download Gigas, but hundreds of them, that even with a good Internet connection is waiting eternal.

According to Microsoft, the new FastStart technology will give priority to files that must be r downloaded first to start the game, however, all games are not compatible with this technology, and every studio or developer must integrate FastStart with their titles.

It is not clear which games support FastStart, but it was said will start with the English versions of the titles on the consoles that run in English in the Xbox Game Pass catalog. And the FastStart catalog will expand to more games in more languages ​​over time.

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This means that FastStart is currently only compatible with certain games. Xbox Game Pass. In addition, Microsoft says that it will take at least a download speed of 20Mbps to take advantage of this feature.

Redmond has promised that Microsoft will work closely with major studios to bring this technology to the world's best performing games. platform

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