find the body of Biiany Rosado in a suitcase


  Feminicide in Oaxaca: they find the body of Biiany Rosado in a suitcase

Biiany Rosado Ramírez, 22, was a student of the Technological Institute of the Isthmus in Juchitán, Oaxaca (Photo: Special)


The body of Biiany Rosado, 22, was found the day before in a suitcase, apparently dismembered, in the section of road Juchitán-Espinal in the region of the 39, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, confirmed police sources

. By the 911 emergency number, the police companies received the report of the discovery on the way to the old factory one kilometer from the base of the mixed operations where the 39, Municipal authority and neighbors found a travel suitcase inside which was the body of the girl .

Three women are murdered, including a girl, in Oaxaca

Public Prosecutor's Office, State Investigation Agency, Experts and Medical Examiners arrived at the 39 place to initiate the first investigations and later, to raise the corpse of the woman to take her to the Forensic Service and to continue the corresponding investigations.

the main accesses, this because the find was a kilometer and a half from where the operative Juchitán Seguro was implemented.

During dawn the victim was identified as Biiany Rosado Ramírez, 22 years old, originally from Coyul Huamelula, student of the Institute of Technology of Isthmus .

The young woman was reported missing on June 26, in the city of Juchitán de Zaragoza; his body presented injuries to the neck and thorax produced by a poincuteur

According to the count of the civil organization "Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue", from December 2016 to today ] 191 women killed in the territory of Oaxaca .


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