Finding lithium in Peru is good news in so many negative areas


The discovery of a lithium deposit in Puno that could be the largest in the world, is good news from all the bad things that happen in Peru, said Rómulo Mucho, former vice president. Minister of Mines. noticia

This week, Peruvian company Macusani Yellowcake, a subsidiary of Canadian Plateau Energy, announced that it had just discovered in Puno resources equivalent to 2.5 million tonnes of high quality lithium.

The president of Agromin congratulated He discovered the mining site, "with Peruvian geologists and technicians."

"We congratulate the company because it persevered, because there were seven companies exploring uranium in Macusani (Puno) ". He adds that the Subsidiary of Plateau Energy was looking for uranium and ended up finding lithium

" And that can position us in a major country in the world, as a supplier of lithium as res ervas "he said.

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