Finding Sedena Weapons in the Municipality of Hidalgo


They were found in an abandoned building near the ejido Barbosa

Five long weapons, nine short, 496 rounds and 19 magazines were found by soldiers in the municipality of Hidalgo, Tamaulipas.

CDs. From Mexico Jul. 22 (Agencies) .- Five soldiers from the municipality of Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, found five long weapons, nine short, 496 rounds and 19 magazines.
In a statement, it was pointed out that in the ground reconnaissance routes, the military personnel were locating an abandoned construction near Barbosa ejido, in the municipality of Hidalgo, where the weapons were located.
"Insurance is part of the North West operation and activities carried out by the Eighth Zone and Military Region IV to reduce violence in the state of Tamaulipas," he said. declared in the official document
It was clarified that the insured was made available to the federal public prosecutor of Ciudad Victoria.

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