Fine to Morena was an act of bad faith: AMLO


The winner of the presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that the fine of 197 million pesos imposed on Morena for irregularities in the trust "For others" is an act of bad faith with the intention of affecting politically

This fine, he said, is a scandal provoked by election counselors, and noted that the claim against the penalty is not a authoritarian action.

On July 18, the INE ratified a fine. Million pesos to the Morena party for irregularities in trust to support the earthquake victims.

Among the irregularities, the INE said that the trust "Por los demás", created by lawmakers, activists and supporters of the Morena party, it has received contributions of unknown origin for more than 40 million pesos, in violation of the electoral law and the rules of the trust itself.

López Obrador assured that the counselors of the IN They lie. "This is not true what INE advisers falsify (…) They thought that they were going to blow a spectacular blow against us and that we were going to shut up."

"It is very unfair the treatment they give us, and also illegal." Among other things, if it was money prerogatives, the INE intervenes, but they are contributions from supporters and activists of Morena. "

INE found no evidence that AMLO donated 500 thousand pesos to the trust fund. victims of the earthquake

"It is a moral damage they cause us.How dare they do that? It is very irresponsible to act lightly without having d & # 39; This can not be ignored. "

He pointed out that the management of the trust is compared to corruption cases that have earned million-dollar fines.

"He gives us a treatment equivalent to what were the Friends of Fox or the Pemexgate, it's a fine, I think that there have been four fines in the recent history of this amount, hundreds of millions, they ran their hands, 197 million, they were not measured, also leaving in the uncertainty our humanism respectability to help the victims, all received their support. "

AMLO reiterated that they will go to the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch to challenge the fine imposed by the INE in Morena.

You may be interested in: Illegal deposits and the distribution of millions of dollars in cash: the law for the victims of Morena

violated the law.While 10 of the 11 councilors voted to approve the trust, López Obrador said that to continue the appointment of party advisers, but to seek an arrangement that guarantees their autonomy.

The Tabasqueño said that "there will be justice, not revenge" in relation to the punishment imposed on the party he founded

the trust committee "Por los demás" has denied that there are deposits of unknown origin as told by the INE and that the resources were used as a parallel financing system in favor of Morena.

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