First white shark sighting recorded in Spain


SPAIN.- The first confirmed observation for decades of a dangerous predator for humans in Spanish waters occurred this week in a marine park in the Balearic Islands.

a five meter long white shark was observed and monitored for over an hour by an international nature conservation team in the Archipelago National Park. Cabrera, a reserve six miles off the south coast. The island of Mallorca, reports The Telegraph

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The team of Alnitak, a Spanish conservation project composed Researchers from several European countries, including the UK, published an image of the shark after the "historical sighting," produced this Thursday, 28 at 10 am local time, near the island inhabited of Cabre

Leaving aside unconfirmed sightings and rumors of great white sharks swimming in Spanish waters, this was the first confirmed case in the country since 1976, when a fisherman from Mallorca captured a specimen that measures more than six meters, says Alnitak.

"We went to our house with a hydrophone to listen to cetaceans, we saw a black fin and immediately noticed that it was a very large shark. sea ​​conditions were great and we had the sample about three meters from the boat and for 70 minutes we could observe it closely "affirms with the emotion of the moment the biologist and documentary director Fernando López -Mirones, who explains that were not prepared to go to the water to observe the shark more closely.

After climbing the mast to film the problem, the crew formed by volunteers, and involving two teenagers who won a school contest, they devoted themselves to documenting the find and taking photographs.

With information from Reuter and El País.

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