Five dead and 38,000 evacuated by forest fires


Los Angeles .- The fire in the north of California continues unabated after causing the deaths of five people, forcing the evacuation of some 38,000 people and 36 000 hectares

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The so-called fire "Carr" which is located in Shasta County, cost the life to five people. People, after authorities and family confirmed Saturday the death of Melody Bledsoe, 70, and two of his great-grandchildren, James Roberts of 5 years and Emily Roberts of 4 years.

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Read also: The nightmare continues; Fire destroys thousands of acres in California

Previously, authorities reported the death of Don Ray Smith, a bulldozer operator, and Jeremy Stoke, a firefighter from the town of Redding, the city main. from Shasta County and 350 kilometers north of San Francisco.

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The latest report by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) reveals that this fire, which started on July 23, is contained in 5% and that more than 3,300 workers are fighting the fires. flames.

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There are 517 structures (houses and buildings) destroyed and 135 others that are damaged, according to this state agency.

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This state also faces other forest fires such as "Ferguson" near Yosemite National Park and which has forced the closure of several areas of this site, while In the mountains of San Bernardino, In southern California, the 'Cranston' fire particularly threatens the inhabitants of Idyllwild.

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The "Ferguson" fire in Mariposa County, east of San Francisco, extends over 21,700 hectares and the work of 3,861 firefighters and laborers has been successful to be controlled by 30%, according to state authorities.

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The gravity of the situation forced the US President, Donald Trump to to declare Saturday the State of Emergency in California which means that the federal government provides additional assistance.

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Through this directive, Trump has authorized the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to "coordinate all efforts in the relief effort," said the White House in a statement

. In this note:

  • California Forest Fires
  • California Fires
  • Forest Fires in Case of Emergency

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