Five men in India accused of abducting children


A mob lynched five men accused of kidnapping children in western India after rumors circulated on the Whatsapp social network similar to those who have already provoked multiple attacks in recent months in the Asian country, said a police source in Efe today.

The incident occurred Sunday in a small town in the state of Maharastra, when about thirty villagers were killed to kill five people "because There was a rumor that "A number of kidnappers have come to town to kidnap children," said local police commissioner Ramkumar.

"Some people suspected them and started to kidnap them. hit, "Ramkumar explained, before clarifying who joined the beating of a crowd of people arriving in the village for market day.

According to the superintendent, far from being an organized group of kidnappers of children five middle-aged men came to town to beg because their city, located in the same state, is suffering from a drought that ended the harvest. [19659003] "These rumors circulated on WhatsApp, some people shared pictures t photographs. According to videos and photos taken by villagers during the lynching police arrested 23 people and continue to search for other suspects. ]

This is not the first incident in the region

According to Ramkumar, there have been recent lynchings in neighboring districts due to rumors about gangs of kidnappers or criminals. warnings about bandits.

Reports of attacks on strangers caused by rumors on social networks have multiplied in the country.

Last week, three people were lynched in separate incidents They were suspected of kidnapping children in the state of Tripura (northeast), including a man hired by the government to raise public awareness of rumors, which led authorities to suspend mobile communications for 24 hours.

The Indians also recently reported a lynching in the state of Tamil Nadu, in the south of the country, where two people died, a woman in Assam (northwest) and at least four people in Andra Pradesh and Telangana in the south in May 1965. [ad_2]
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