Five of a family killed in Chihuahua


Digital Millennium

The Attorney General of the State of Chihuahua reported that five members of the a family were murdered inside his house located in the Residencial Universidad neighborhood; survived for less than two years

In a statement, he explained that he had received the report of the discovery of the bodies inside the house, located at 9714 Calle Universidad de Nayarit, so that items Upon arrival, they interviewed the husband of one of the victims, who said that he had gone to get his wife at his brothers-in-law, but when he arrived he found the door open and the bodies inside.

The bodies were identified as María Romero Armendáriz, Ricardo Chávez Pérez, Daniela Romero Armendáriz, Gregorio Romero Vega, Rita Armendáriz Barraza who were taken to the Forensic Service.

inside the house, they found a minor of two years named Ricardo, without injuries, who was under the protection of the Victims Unit .

Experts have found several .9-millimeter caissons in the area and are looking for evidence in the area to find those responsible for the crime.


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