Five spectacular prison leaks that go beyond police films


They look like movie scenes, but they took place in reality.

The prison flee and the "outlaws" who played a role have always fascinated us.

The strict standards of security and surveillance in much of the world's prisons, some of their most notable prisoners manage to escape the weight of the law.

The most recent case occurred this Sunday, when Redoine Faid, a famous jeweler and author of a book on "bandits", was saved at the shelter bullets from a French prison

It all started with several men heavily armed at the entrance to a prison in Paris, where Faid was serving a 25-year sentence for a burglary in which a policeman had been killed.

While he was diverting the attention of the guards, a helicopter landed in the yard. jail and gangster, 46, he fled.

The helicopter flew to the area of ​​Gonesse located nearby and was later found by the police burned .

But this is not the first time that the famous French gangster, considered as a time the most wanted person of the country escapes from jail.

<img src = "×0.jpg" alt = "Redoine Faid has been included in the list of the most wanted by Interpol after escaping in 2013. / AFP

During his first escape in 2013, he generated several explosions ] in prison and managed to leave after taking four guards as hostages

He was a fugitive for several weeks, until he was finally captured .

While the French police are looking for him again, we are talking to you about 39; other spectacular escapes from the prison that if not (19659014) 1-The second escape of Chapo Guzmán

The cartel leader Sinaloa had some allergy to the prison and that is why he played in some of the most popular movies – Amazing stories from America Latin: first in a linen trolley and then through a tunnel more than 1.5 kilometers long.

 102285211gettyimages480815760-27d72a8fb8fc6d4259943753479a75de.jpg El Chapo He fled in a tunnel more than 1.5 kilometers long. / Getty Images

The last one took place in June 2015, when Guzmán slipped through a hole in his cell and walked the leads on a motorcycle driven by one of his henchmen.

he was considered the safest in Latin America

He was fugitive until January 2016 and, after his capture, he was extradited to the United States .

2-The Urabeños escape

Four members of the criminal group The Urabeños escaped from a prison in Medellin, Colombia, in 2014, until President Juan Manuel Santos was forced to take measures in the matter

 102285213gettyimages465908309-7748df46c012ff7dc99fc6f28b7c034e.jpg areas of influence of the criminal world of Los Urabeños. / AFP

The convict, the sister of the clan chief and three other allies, were made of false documents in which they obtained immediate liberty .

They left quietly main door of the prison and until several hours later, inexplicably, no one verified that it was about 39, a silent and "legal" escape.

3-The "superyogi"

Choi Gap-Bok taught yoga in South Korea before being sent to prison for theft in 2012.

 102285215gettyimages560259751-fa8c33876d6be4b4db9309f84d27858d.jpg [19659018] Choi escaped through the hole through which he passed the food. / Getty Images </span></div>
<p>  But once in his cell, he used the skills of the millennial art to escape. </p>
<p>  Oil was smeared on his body and he slipped through the hole through which he was given the food tray. <strong> about 15 centimeters high by 45 long. </strong> </p>
<p>  And according to the police investigation, he managed to sneak in there in a little over 30 seconds. </p>
<p>  He left on the bed a <strong> doll </strong> made with your pillows. </p>
<h3>  4-A flight of love </h3>
<p>  The escape of this Sunday of Faid had its antecedent in France in 1986, in the context of a daring love story. </p>
<p>  Michel Vaujour is perhaps the one who escaped most often from a French prison: he did it five times and, the last time, he was in a helicopter <strong> piloted by his wife </strong> </p>
<p>  on May 26, 1986 at La Santé prison. </p>
<p>  After attending helicopter flying lessons, Nadine Vaujour rented one, sent her to the prison yard and threw a rope to her husband so that he <strong> mounts </strong> in the plane. </p>
<p>  The escape would take him to the other side of the world before he was again captured. </p>
<h3>  5-Alcatraz </h3>
<p>  It is one of the most famous escapes of history and took place on the famous island of San Francisco Bay, where in the mid-twentieth century, the most dangerous prisoners <strong> were sent </strong> United States </p>
<p>  It was considered the safest prison in the country, but Frank Morris, Clarence and John Anglin proved that it was not all in fact the case. </p>
<div class=  102285259gettyimages472535516-2461e3360b9d653306dff879b0cda899.jpg Alcatraz was considered the safest prison in the United States. / Getty Images

With large doses of patience spoons and knives stolen from the prison kitchen, they dug a hole for months that allowed them to leave the island.

a mystery and the authorities abandoned them for dead trying to cross the waters full of currents of the bay.

But in January 2018, a letter that was analyzed by the FBI in 2013 was circumnavigating the World

It reads:

"I call John Anglin, I escaped from the world. Alcatraz in June 1962 with my brother Clarence and Frank Morris, I'm 83 years old and I'm in in poor condition I have cancer, yes, we've had it this night! "

The FBI did not deny its authenticity.

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