? Foods and drinks that increase your blood pressure


⚕ Foods and drinks that increase your blood pressure

MEXICO.- Blood pressure is a disease that many suffer around the world. According to the IMSS, it is characterized by an increase in "the pressure with which the heart pumps blood to the arteries so that it circulates throughout the body".

Overweight and obesity are diseases associated with high blood pressure. That's why it's very important that you choose your foods to avoid raising your blood pressure.

We present here 7 foods and drinks that can increase your blood pressure:

1. soups The soups we refer to in this note are snapshots or preparations that often facilitate our cooking work. However, because of their high content of saturated fats, added sugars, flavors and preservatives can affect your blood pressure.

According to U.S Food & Drug, overconsumption of sodium and fats, which focuses on saturated and trans fats, can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of developing other chronic diseases.

2. Fast Foods Despite their delicious flavor and the ability to find them everywhere, they are not a good alternative because, in most cases, these foods are high in sodium and trans fatty acids.

Sodium and fats are factors that can increase blood pressure: that is why you need to take care of your diet to avoid any risk.

3. cereal bars. Most cereal bars are also not the ideal choice if you want to maintain a balance between your blood pressure. There are different types of bars: commercial and craft.

On the market, because of its production process, they contain added sugars and sodium that promote elevation of blood pressure. They also have trans fats that increase blood pressure levels. Other products that are high in trans fatty acids are cookies, cakes and muffins, as well as microwave popcorn.

However, homemade bars do not have this feature and are a healthier alternative in which you can avoid raising your blood pressure.

4. Syrups According to a study published in the National Institutes of Health, syrups containing a lot of fructose indicate that a high-fructose diet is associated with an increase in blood pressure, even for those who do not have from a history of illness.

5. Coffee. Although some studies suggest that drinking coffee lowers blood pressure, the Mayo Clinic says that drinking coffee dramatically increases blood pressure. "Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep arteries enlarged, while others think that caffeine causes increased adrenaline release by the adrenal glands, which increases blood pressure . "

6. Energy drinks. Energy drinks used for sporting purposes or simply to get more energy during the day are also a factor that can increase blood pressure.

Energy drinks are rich in caffeine, glucose, taurine and vitamins, among other ingredients that, according to a study published in Research Gate, contribute to the increase in blood pressure.

7. alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are also associated with an increase in blood pressure. According to a study published in Journals Plos, which showed the relationship between alcoholic beverages and blood pressure in men and women, revealed that blood pressure increased slightly in men not drinking moderately; however, those who drink high blood pressure are very high.

In the case of women, the study indicates that they are almost three times more likely to raise their blood pressure if they consume alcohol excessively.

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