Foods that help prevent breast cancer


CITY OF MEXICO (UNIVERSAL) .- A balanced diet can hinder the onset of diseases such as cancer; however, this does not mean that it ensures that the disease will not appear; external factors are also involved.

We present foods that can help prevent breast cancer:


It contains omega 3, fiber and lignans that block the effects of estrogen, which can help reduce some cancers.

Celery and parsley

Apigenin weakens the infected cells and helps them purify until they come back to normal cells and without the risk of cancer spreading. In addition, its consumption can also prevent the formation of malignant tumors.


Beans, beans, chickpeas, among others, contain large amounts of fiber that, according to various studies, have revealed that some powerful antioxidants and some psychoestrogens have been shown to have high anticarcinogenic potency.


Primarily salmon, it provides the body with nutrients that can prevent cancer; especially omega 3. It is advisable to consume 80 grams a week.

The blueberries

It is one of the foods that contains the most antioxidants, which absorb free radicals that can damage cells and form various cancers; including the chest.


It contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane that helps prevent breast cancer by preventing malignant tumors and suppressing the growth of cancer cells.


It dies the production of a hormone called adiponectin, whose low production has been linked to different types of cancer. Regulated, allows for better defenses against breast cancer.

Do not forget to consult your doctor frequently and self-examine yourself.

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