For 63 years, women were able to vote in Mexico; today's commemoration


The presidential candidate of the then Republic, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, promised that women could vote, it was a campaign rally in which about 20 thousand women were present.

After being elected president, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines promulgated the constitutional reforms that granted the vote to women in the federal sphere and the new text of Constitutional Article 34 was published in the official journal in October of the year 1953.

All of the above as a result of the mobilizations and participation of women in feminist forums such as: Elvia Carrillo, Beatriz Ponce's barge, Consuelo Zavala, Raquel Dzib Cicero among others, who claimed their rights as citizens, the women were able to vote for the first time to elect MPs, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

It should be noted that the first president to request reforms of Article 34 of the Constitution so that women could exercise the right to vote was 1937 with Lázaro Cárdenas, obtained by the approval of both chambers and by state legislatures.

Then, with the argument, that the female vote " could be influenced by priests ", the same revolutionary family decided not to conclude the legislative process.

Also for his part, Miguel Alemán allowed women to vote for the first time in local elections; This is what happened in 1949 in Chiapas the first state where the woman voted.

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