For Chivas, classic pre-season


Guadalajara, Jalisco.- The pre-season Tapatio was for the Chivas who defeated the Atlas 5-0 at the Jalisco Stadium

Alan Pulido scored a double, Ángel Zaldívar, Hedgardo Marín and José Juan Macías were the ones who scored in the red and white victory

The Rojinegros failed a penalty in the fourth quarter; The archer of the Flock Miguel Jiménez stopped him the turn to Edgar Zaldívar

Reinforcements who arrived for the Apertura 2018 they initiated the party Omar González, Andrés Andrade and Octavio Rivero.

The Chivas will initiate a tour by the United States where will play 3 games; July 5 in Chicago against Leon, July 8 against Necaxa in Denver and July 12 against Atletico Nacional de Medellín in Orlando

Los Rojinegros will face America in Fresno, California on July 11 .

] Cruz Azul ties with Tijuana in a friendly match

Mexico City – Cruz Azul tied without scoring in his friendly match against Tijuana, a duel in the United States, where La Máquina is on tour as part of their preseason.

the third game that Celestials are competing in the neighboring country, previously faced and defeated at Orange County SC (5-0) and Guangzhou R & F (4-2).

In general, it was the fifth party in the preparation of cementeros since they were measured with Leones Negros (0-0) and Queretaro (1-2).

Monterrey will be the sixth rival of those led by Pedro Caixinha, the match is scheduled for July 3 in McAllen, Texas.

Later, the team will return to Mexico to face the Potros UAEM (July 7) and Toluca (July 14) before starting at the Apertura 2018 July 21 against Puebla at Estadio Azteca [19659012] The comments in the section above are the responsibility of the participants. Help us maintain a healthy exchange of ideas by denouncing, by means of an icon on the flag, each participation that you consider inappropriate. If the comment is not in accordance with THE RULES it will be eliminated. See here the regulation .

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