For six hours, Sergio kept the center in suspense


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In the historic center of Mexico City, people stopped to go to the top floor of the Jewelery Center, Madero, because at the top of an antenna located on the roof of the building was a man who refused to go down.

While walking to do their shopping, people took out their cell phone and took remote photos of this guy wearing a red shirt, jeans and a single shoe.

From 7:00 am, dealers at Centro Jeweler number 56 heard rumors that a person had entered the building, broke a pipe, vandalized water tanks and climbed onto the roof.

Isabel, one of the shopkeepers, arrived at 10 am to open her shop, but the police did not let her go. They explained that the building would remain closed until rescuers could get the man who was apparently trying to commit suicide.

At that moment, the man decided to descend voluntarily, but a drone flying over the area frightened him and went back to the antenna where he had been for four hours.

In the streets, we could hear questions from people who wanted to say what this man was doing in the heights and there were also bets. A man even shouted: "By majority of votes, it is ventilated!"

And although on the edge of the stool, the cries could be heard towards the man so that he could win, he also listened from the top of the antenna. At that time on the streets and data was given that the subject was called Sergio and they calculated about 40 years.

Rescuers from the rescue and emergency medical squadron asked him how he was going, why he had gone upstairs and if he had a family member, but he did not answer .

What he said was that the noise of people shouting in the street bothered him and that a drone flying over the area scared him. At first, Sergio thought the paramedics would hurt him, which is why he avoided his help.

Unsuccessful attempts Although sometimes the two rescuers wearing red helmets and green vests were on the verge of touching him, and even the firefighters parked a crane to get on the air, nothing was enough for Sergio to get off.

"Sergio was in a crisis situation, he felt panic for the people around him since he had a panoramic view from the top of the antenna." He asked that as soon as he would have descended, he is protected, "said Jiram, one of the rescuers

Expectant, passers-by, vendors, onlookers, policemen, remained behind the yellow security tape that kept them at least 10 meters from the entrance to the jeweler's center, from which emergency personnel surrendered .

Five hours later, police chief Raymundo Collins arrived on Madero Avenue, entered the building and headed for the antenna to support the rescue operations.

Once standing, he asked the police officers to leave and only the paramedics remain. Collins Flores came close to the antenna and felt that the structure was fragile. At this point, he could talk to Sergio, who said that he was scared because a police officer had scammed him and that he did not know why.

The official, to convince him, said to him "if I trusted God, that God wanted him alive and that nobody would touch him, would not trust my word".

It is thus that Sergio fell to the ground after six hours spent in the center of the jewelry store, wounded at the foot by the maneuvers he had made to stay at high altitude.

When he went down more than six floors with the police chief, they left the building together. In the street, his two feet planted on Avenida Madero, Sergio turned to the crowd behind the seatbelt and raised his hand to say hello.

The spectators took pictures and others even shouted vulgarities. The man was taken in an ambulance and taken off premises.

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