For the flu, they ask the mayors of responsibility


Activate measures in municipalities

In order to activate immediate measures of attention to people exposed to the AH1N1 flu, state authorities have met with more than 50 mayors and mayors and municipal representatives.

In the auditorium of the State Center for the Prevention of Social Crime and Citizen Participation (Cepredey), the Secretary General of the Government, Martha Góngora Sánchez, asked participants to take responsibility for dealing with the question in order to contain the situation. 19659003] We must guarantee actions in favor of the population to prevent the spread of the virus, he said. The flu stops only with prevention, so we have to do our part, like not going to overcrowded places, not going out if we are sick, not treating ourselves and washing ourselves. hands constantly

. It's time to be careful because the end of the school year has helped to prevent the infections from exploding, so we have to communicate with precision and serve the inhabitants of the territory.

"If there are people in your communities who have symptoms, the first step is to bring them to the health center, that is the task that concerns us, to entrust the specialists with the cases suspects. "

For his part, the Secretary of Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita, asked the municipal presidents who join their efforts to promote these measures and break the chains of transmission.

He also emphasized the importance of making a timely diagnosis and detailing the information. this will enable them to guide their governed to identify those who present the risk factors for this pathology.

Mendoza Mezquita explains that flu occurs throughout the year in the center and north of the country, but more often in autumn and winter. For the Yucatan Peninsula, which is a subtropical region, the increase occurs during the rainy season, which extends from June to September.

He adds that the current scenario indicates that in the epidemiological week number 28 the studied cases are 998, of which 92 were confirmed with four deaths; the data is formalized by validating the federal level in accordance with the regulations.

The unit leader insists on the importance of rapid diagnosis to provide early treatment and avoid complications. He reminded that the most at risk groups are obese people, uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, asthma, smoking, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ " immunosuppression and chronic renal failure

. From 2018, 625,373 doses of influenza vaccines have been used in the state, with an investment of more than 37 million pesos, of which the Ministry of Health has assumed more than 17 million. The biological products were distributed in the 290 medical units of this body, as well as in the Mexican Institutes of Social Security (IMSS) and Social Security and State Workers' Services (ISSSTE).

He also announced that they were participating 83 applicators and applicants for contracts, as well as 28 volunteers, for field activities. Populations of social rehabilitation centers (Cereso) and comprehensive care of children in Desamparo (Caimede) and elderly housing centers were vaccinated.

Finally, he emphasized that epidemiological reports on official roads are the only reliable sources for keeping informed.

In Brief

Studied and Confirmed

The Secretary of Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita, reported that in epidemiological week number 28 the cases studied in the state are 998, of which 92 were confirmed with four deaths

Diagnosis timely

The official stressed the importance of rapid diagnosis to provide early treatment and avoid complications

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