For the tenth time, murderous Lennon will ask for his freedom


New York- John Lennon's murderer, Mark David Chapman, will ask the New York prison authorities in August to grant him parole, which he has been doing every two years since 2000.

Chapman, who is now 63 years old, shot and killed the former Beatles member in 1980, outside his residence in the Dakota building, and was sentenced to a minimum of 20 years and to a maximum of life imprisonment.

at Wende High Security Prison in New York State, Chapman began petitioning the Parole Board after serving 20 years in prison in 2000, but over the past nine years Last hearings, he failed

According to local media reports, the junta acknowledged on these occasions that Chapman has a clean prison record since 1994, but also that he acted with premeditation and in pursuit of celebrity, so release him would be against the law

In his next interview process which, according to AOL, will take place the week of August 20, the bureau will study the cases of dozens of prisoners, but it now seems ready to give more priority to their behavior. According to the transcripts of his interview with the agency in 2010, Chapman had a list of several celebrities as possible victims but chose Lennon because he seemed more approachable than others

In 2008 he said he regretted his actions.

"I thought killing John Lennon would make me someone, and instead I became a murderer, and the murderers are nobody," he said.

Artist Yoko Ono, Lennon's widow, has sent letters in recent years asking that Chapman not be released from prison because she fears for her safety and that of her family.

In addition, Ono argues that Lennon threatened the murderer.

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