For this reason, oral hygiene is essential for your health


  teeth, oral hygiene, health,

photo: Referential

Over the years we have been taught that dental hygiene leans more to avoid cavities or same, for aesthetics but the truth is that oral hygiene goes beyond what we think.

In the mouth are reflected the symptoms of health and illness that is why the specialists insist on the fact that oral hygiene is fundamental for general health . Healthy teeth allow a person to feel confident and also contribute to a better aesthetic appearance.

According to the specialist of dental implants and dental aesthetics, "for starters, it is essential to brush your teeth at least three times a day, brushing at night being the main and most important because this helps eliminate bacteria generated throughout the day. "In addition," it is important to use a simple brush and it is advisable to floss daily, for a thorough cleaning "he added.

Daily Care may also include the use of a cleaning element between teeth, such as interproximal brushes that help keep them sanitized, as well as fluoride-swollen for preventing caries.

The director of Dental DAS, Dental Esthetic Clinic, in interview with Infobae said that, in addition, group the moments of food consumption with sugars.This is because & # 39; 39; part of the digestive process, which occurs in the mouth when food is introduced, therefore, the Ph of low saliva, becomes more acid ] to facilitate the dissolution of food "This Ph is good because it helps, but it is sometimes limited. If one has sweets or sugars all the time, the mouth is preserved in an acid Ph that ] favors the growth of bacteria which generate the decomposition, it is therefore important to group the moments of consumption, to neutralize and to make the growth and reproduction of bacteria more difficult.

On the other hand, he suggested that "if after a meal you know that it will not be possible to wash your teeth, you can eat sugar-free gum that stimulates the production of saliva and help to clean them. "

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Good hygiene requires control. For this, it is fundamental to visit the dentist at least once a year, even if there is no pain or discomfort in sight. The early detection of caries and diseases of the mouth will allow a better treatment thereof.


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