For this reason, parrots are the most intelligent birds, according to science


Guacamayas are one of the most popular types of parrots for their tropical beauty.

Parrots are among the most intelligent animals that exist; however, until now we did not know why they ended up being smarter than other birds.

On this, a new study shows that parrots have a larger brain circuit, with similar characteristics to the mammalian brain.

Parrots include macaws, keas, African gray parrots, cockatoos, among others.

All these birds share a series of surprising cognitive abilities that allow them to build tools, to recognize their image in a mirror and to understand that others have their own thoughts, in addition to the ability to learn and to express yourself from one language.

brain mass, either in its entirety or specific structures, such as the prefrontal cortex, in humans or an area of ​​the brain of birds called Pa However, if we speak in terms of intelligence and cognitive abilities higher, beyond the structural features of the brain, what is important are the characteristics of neural systems and how these systems transmit information through the brain

With this in mind, a specific neural circuit in the brain of parrots could recently be identified that could be related to their intellectual abilities.

The brain of parrots is different from that of other birds [19659000]] African Gray Parrot

The research was led by psychologist Cristián Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, of the University of Alberta, from which it was possible to identify that the medial spinal nucleus (SPM) of parrots performs functions similar to the carried out by the pontine nuclei in primates.

In primates, pontine nuclei transfer information between the brachial cortex and the cerebellum, allowing the processing of information at sophisticated levels, in addition to behaviors adjusted to situational requirements.

It is interesting to note that in primates and humans, these nuclei are larger than in other mammals, it makes sense in paying attention to the cognitive superiority shown by both species.

Birds also have this nucleus, but it is significantly smaller in size. However, the spindle-shaped medial nucleus, which is located elsewhere in the brain, performs similar functions.

Specifically, he is responsible for the transmission of information between the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum, participating in the processes of learning, motor control, coordination and balance

Thus, the transmission of the information between these two structures facilitates the planning and execution of higher order behaviors, which represents a fine example of the convergent evolution between birds and mammals, from To do this , Gutiérrez-Ibáñez and the rest of the scientists devoted themselves to observe the brain of a hundred birds, such as chickens, songbirds. , owls and parrots, found that parrot SPM is two to five times larger than other birds.

There is still hope for others ves

It has been shown that crows can solve complex problems.

For its part, there must be some considerations in taking these results as definitive, since according to other studies, the intelligence of birds goes far beyond the size of the MPS because it has been observed that these animals have more neurons in the brain than mammals, including primates.

In addition, it is still necessary to explain why crows have cognitive abilities. behaviors very similar to those of parrots, do not seem to have such a large nucleus in the form of a median spindle.

Around this, the experts conclude that while intellectual abilities seem to be related to this core, the intelligence goes well beyond that. this comes from the interaction of several cognitive elements.

Finally, the researchers began to study this nucleus in more detail. In order to further characterize its function and identify the types of information that it processes, which in the future may enhance the understanding of human cognition and the role of pontine nuclei in this process.

Reference: Parrots developed a telencephalic-mesencephalic-cerebellar primate-type circuit, (2018).

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