Forky joins Toy Story 4


Strange fork with a sad face and different sized eyes, his name is Forky and he is the newcomer to the Toy Story gang of the fourth installment of the Disney Pixar saga, as shown by the first images of the long-awaited animated film . it will take almost a year to reach the halls.

A first breakthrough of the film that revolutionized social networks and has become a topic of global trend on Twitter.

All the toys holding hands float in the sky while you play chords on both sides, by Joni Mitchell, in a more naive version than the original.

And suddenly, "Forky" appears, hanging between Slinky's dock and Woody's hand. "I do not paint anything here!" Cry the fork before falling and cause chaos in a perfect image that has formed the characters in the film, which begin to collide.

Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Mr Potato, Rex, Jessie, the Martians of Pizza Planet or Bo Beep follow one another in these first images of the film, made by the beginner Josh Cooley.

At the beginning of the saga, the toys were "Andy Davis", but in the third installment passed into the hands of the little "Bonnie Anderson", who made "Forky" as a handmade toy made from a fork plastic with movable eyes and pipe cleaner arms, which face a crisis because, "it's not a toy," he says.

Some images that caused a cascade of comments on social networks, with a mixture of joy for the imminent arrival of the film and the strangeness of the song chosen by Disney Pixar.

Because Mitchell's classic theme of 1969 has already become popular when he appeared in Love Actually (2003) and, much more recently, in the horror film Herediytary (2018).

Although in this case, it is a lighter version than the original version of Mitchell, which illustrates this first trailer of a film that will debut in the United States on June 21.

Disney's Pixar Story unveiled the movie trailer, in which the toys will come back nearly a decade after the premiere of the third movie.

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