Fortnite Battle Royale Generates Millions Of Profits To Epic – Video Games – Technology


Whether you like online games or not, you've probably heard of Fortnite. This game, released as an early access title in July of last year for PS4, Xbox One and PC, is on everyone's lips as it has become much more viral.

Fortnite's survival did not seem to presage anything out of the ordinary. This facet of the game appeared as a beta, and to this day remains so.

Everything changed when was launched in September, the Battle Royale mode, in which a hundred players are released on an island and they have to face in a smaller and smaller area. With one life, they must take an arsenal to defend themselves and with materials to build ramps and forts from which to fight. In the end, there can only be one winner.

The mechanics of construction, stealth, traps, a variety of weapons and an almost caricatural aesthetic on its Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine proved to be very user friendly. Epic would soon announce that the game would be Crossplay, which means it could be played online with people playing on other platforms.

To top it off, and unlike the campaign mode, which had cost, the Battle Royale was launched – and is still so far – completely free. At E3 this year, it was announced that the Nintendo Switch would be added to the list of platforms.

Overall Success

Fortnite figures have risen rapidly, to the point that today is one of the most important. played in the world, with an estimated 125 million players. This success has astronomical astronomical figures derived from the consumerism of its followers. The game may be free, but a LendEDU study suggests that 7 out of 10 have spent more than $ 80 – more than the commercial value of an average game – in aesthetic improvements for their warriors. In May alone, revenues were in the range of $ 300 million.

As its success has grown, predictable signs have emerged because of the similarities with the seemingly unbeatable former king of online gambling, Player Unknown Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG

And yes, by and large, Fortnite is a " "Royal Battle" (ie a game in which the last player gets up) with a formula very similar to that of PUBG, which sold 44 million copies, but is notable for a system complex terrain construction that adds a layer of complexity and strategy to combat. His weapons, varied, sometimes ridiculous or caricatural, cause all kinds of spontaneous situations that give the game a great variety.

Fifth Season

To all this the regularity with which the Epic team publishes updates and variations on the map. Fortnite has seasons (the fifth will be available early July 12), Easter eggs, hidden messages and even special guests like Thanos, after 'Avengers: Infinity Wars &' # 39 ;.

The creators of PUBG filed a complaint in South Korea in which they accused Epic of infringing their copyright. A long trial was predicted

but this court battle ended this week, when the lawsuit was withdrawn, without indicating whether it was for a retraction or an agreement between the parties.

One possible explanation is the rumor, explained by "The Wall Street Journal," according to which the Chinese firm Tencent, owner of the popular WeChat messaging service, was advancing in the purchase of 10% of PUBG Corp. As they already have 48% of Epic Games, a fight between the two properties was in no one's interest.

Sony, in the honor for not offering "cross-play"

While those playing from a Switch or an Xbox One, can use the same servers and play Fortnite, the Sony PlayStation 4 does not allow such a thing. This earned him many critics of the Japanese company. A hope emerged this week when a leader said the company was working on a cross-play solution that would cover "more than one game."

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