Fortnite Battle Royale: This is how the launch of the rocket


Fortnite Battle Royale is about to finish Season 4 as it is currently on Week 9 of the 10 that make it up. As we announced a few days ago, an alarm started to sound from "Villain & # 39; s Lair" to the east of Ribera Repipi at Fortnite . Said is a huge missile that was released today. The rocket is launched at Fortnite inside the video:

L & The event caught us just standing on the small island where we are a few seconds before starting the games themselves. As you can see, as soon as we heard the launching sound, we went to watch, and we saw how the rocket was launched. We could say that we have witnessed something extremely rare. This was not a normal detonation, as the rocket appears to have exploded into a blast of blue energy, similar to electricity. At this launch, they seem to have joined the successive rockets that did the same. Another possible hypothesis of the event is that it was a single rocket between space cracks, and that is why it was observed all along the map of fashion Battle Royale . We have seen first-hand that some of the rocket remains have fallen into areas of the game such as Anarchic Acres

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The blast in the air seems to have created a kind of cosmic crack

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We were already warned that this would happen in the news menu in the game as can be seen in the picture next:

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Season 5 coming soon

Season 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale will begin on July 12th. In this article we detail everything we know up to now, and all that you expect from it, taking into account all the clues that have been left to us in a different way during these ten weeks.

We do not know what new threats may appear in Fortnite's Battle Royale mode. The safest way to make sure that you will be able to respond with force is in our complete game guide. Follow these tips to the letter, and you will rise with the victory safely.

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