Fortnite's most epic unsuccessful rescue operation receives the tribute it deserves


Screenshot: Fortnite StoreBrandEnigma

Remember the shocking rescue operation at Fortnite last week? Well Epic has added a tribute to the game, as well as a way to prevent other players from having the same fate.

Last Tuesday, the Muselk streamer noticed something strange in his play of Fortnite . There was a player stuck on the edge of the map that could not go up his own path, since it was outside the area where you can build things. Muselk tried to drive a golf cart so the other player could jump on his roof, but unfortunately, they hit the player instead, pushing them out of the boundary of the map and killing them. Chappadoodle, the player who was rescued, later said that they were trying to prevent Muselk from bouncing off the map by blocking the cart path. We honor your sacrifice, comrade.

A week later, Epic added two Easter eggs instead of the epic rescue attempt. Now there is a grave, as well as some tires to bounce, as seen in this video from the user of Reddit, StoreBrandEnigma.

So, you know, visit Chappadoodle's grave. At least you will not have to wait to be saved if you do it.

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