"Fortunately, Guanajuato is still blue," presumably Governor Miguel Márquez


GUANAJUATO, Gto. (apro) .- "Fortunately, Guanajuato is still blue, PAN", were the words of the governor Miguel Márquez Márquez Monday, once the preliminary capture of the state vote confirmed the predicted triumph of his former collaborator, the PAN-PRD-MC coalition candidate, Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo

Márquez attended the opening ceremony of the La Olla dam – as a few weeks ago, he overflowed, generating floods in the Center facilities – and he also spoke about the reflections that the PAN will face as a result of the presidential election, "for the entire Mexican political system and, in the case of my party, for to be a serious and firm opposition. "

The PAN governor, whose sister will be a local MP, announced that at the end of her term, she will retire from political activity and will devote herself to her family, after having occupied 21 years different positions of municipal president, local, secretary of the state cabinet and the current, incumbent of the state executive.

"I will be reassured and enjoy my family," he said.

Márquez anticipates a childbirth-reception of the administration that will be "" and assured that not only will leave healthy finances to the next governor, but even "a good cushion for the state to follow with a good dynamic work and do not stop. "

" Guanajuato will have no problem This same Monday, in the seat of the state of PRI, lived on the other side of the result election that endorsed the triumph of panismo in Guanajuato, the only state retained by the National Action in

The governor candidate, Gerardo Sánchez García – whose results placed the PRI in third place in the vote after even Morena-, refused to assume the costs of Sánchez García defended the campaign, in which "we denounced the abandonment of the state of Guanajuato in terms of health, safety and security. migration, with all the courage. "

] He also attributed the results It's unfavorable to an election day in which the party has made several complaints against the actions of state-owned companies and in some municipalities where it has accused repressive measures.

And he insisted on the argument that the result the entity only reflects what was achieved at the national level.

"This is not disastrous, if you see the national results, we are in this standard and, therefore, the national leadership will have to summon militancy to reinvent the party". ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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