Fran Drescher, actress of The Nanny reveals the sad truth of her enviable character


One of the most well-known series acquired in the 1990s was La Nanñera, one of the reasons being its protagonist, Fran Drescher, who, with his sensual silhouette and bold outfits, attracted the Attention of the spectators.

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Because of her sculptural body, tone of voice, romance with Lord Sheffield, among other things, Fran Fine is up to the task. date one of the most beloved characters of television. However, at that moment, the actress who gave her life was going through a difficult period, probably one of the most difficult stages, which made her have this slim figure.

A 60 Years Years ago, Fran confessed that she remained thin during the series because of the strong post-traumatic stress caused by an unpleasant experience. In 1985, the actress was raped and threatened with a firearm when she invaded her home a few days ago Drescher, revealed during a debate in New York that this passage of her life spawned a disorder that led her to lose weight

"I was a victim of a violent crime a few years before The Nanny, and I I really had not dealt with that, I had to deal with that once I became famous and it appeared, thank God Honestly, I liked to go to work and be fine Fran, because that was 39; was funnier, lighter, and my life was messy, I think that was part of the reason why I was so skinny ", told the actress.

He added "when he started the program (1993), he weighed 64 kilos, and when we were in the fifth season, he weighed about 49 kilos."

  Fran Fine Special

In 2000 Fran Drescher was diagnosed with uterine cancer, so she stayed away from the action until she was diagnosed with 200 5 returned to television with a new series, Living with Fran

Here's what it looks like now,

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