France against Croatia, bourgeoisie against dignity


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Moscow.- When before the World Cup began to move the names of the favorite teams to play the final at the Luzhniki stadium, France was still present, but not Croatia. In most parallel analyzes of football, that is to say in those that are carried out according to the value of the team and the quality of their players in relation to the market in which they evolve, the Gauls appeared his competitor next Sunday was placed in the tenth position of this classification.

The squadron led by Didier Deschamps has a market value – according to the specialized website, of a thousand $ 286 million, above material like Brazil, it's the second place in this table, with one thousand 167 million dollars or Germany (who arrived as defending champion) with one thousand 51 million dollars, in position number 4.

Croatia, that in plus is a new country at independence in 1991, and that of the 13 nations that qualified for a World Cup final, it is the smallest in terms of territory, occupies the tenth position of this list of market value, with only $ 4 33 million.

"We know our reality, we do not believe ourselves more than anyone, let alone we are down," said strategist Zlatko Dalic, who will lead only his 14th match with the Balkan representative. "We were talking about many teams at the beginning of this World Cup, but the reality is that we still have our virtues and our flaws … We appreciate each other very well, I do not know how others are appreciated", he said. Griezmann (Atlético de Madrid, 120 million dollars), Kylian Mbappé (PSG, 142 million dollars) and Ousmane Dembélé (Barcelona, ​​75 million dollars) total 358 million dollars, the total value of the Croatian team . If we add these three market costs to factories Raphael Varane (Real Madrid) and Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), the amount increases to $ 509 million, or 40% more than the value of the overall of the Balkan team, which ranked among its most expensive plays Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona, ​​60 million dollars), Ivan Perisic (Inter, 47.5 million dollars) and Marco Kovacic (Real Madrid, 35 million of dollars).

Incredible as it seems, the engine of this selection, Luka Modric (Real Madrid) does not have such a high market value for now, with $ 30 million, which can change once that he ended his participation in this World Cup, in which he was one of the players with greater physical wear, but he also showed his great class on the Russian courts.

fatigue. Of course, there is other relevant data when conducting the analysis for this World Cup final. First of all, the Croats have 90 minutes more play compared to the French, having extended their time in the eighth, quarter and semifinal, in addition to having a day off in less.

Youth. Since the average age is very similar, the Gauls are 26.1 years old, while the Balkans 28. Everything is taken into account to reorganize that of favoritism in the party to which all the nations of the world would like to have. access. [19659002Encemomentl'équipenationaledelaCroatieest853millionsdedollarsmoinscherquesonrivalenfinaledecetteCoupedumondeLaFrancepeutêtreau-dessusdesBalkansdanslesparisetl'analysedanslestablesdudébatmaiss'ilyaquelquechosequinepeutpasêtrereprochéauxCroatesc'estladécisionetladignitéaveclaquelleilsontjouécestadepourl'éliminationdirecteaveclequelvouspouvezéquilibrern'importequelnombretoutedifférencequipeutexistersurlemarchéSurlacourestuneautrehistoire

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