France prohibits the use of mobile phones in primary schools


The French parliament decided on an expanded ban on cell phones in schools, Franceinfo radio reported on the vote in the National Assembly.

The cell phones and any mobile computing device with Internet connection, they were kicked out of the classrooms of primary and secondary education.

The French Parliament has definitely adopted the measure in primary and secondary schools, a promise of President Emmanuel Macron's campaign. [19659003Lesdéputésdelamajoritéprésidentielleetducentreontvotéenfaveurdecetextelorsdeleurderniervoteàl'AssembléenationalelachambrebasseduParlementtandisqueladroiteetladroitesesontabstenuescritiquantune"opérationdecommunication"çanevarienchanger"

A high school student hurts another cell phone CDMX

This bill prohibits the & # 39; use of all connected devices (cell phones, tablets, watches) in schools and colleges, that is, secondary schools that generally accommodate children up to the age of 15.

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The French Parliament bans mobile phones in schools (Getty Imges)

There will be exceptions" for educational use ", as well as for disabled children. 19659003] With regard to higher education (between the ages of 15 and 18), each institution may decide whether or not to adopt this measure, in whole or in part.

The French Parliament prohibits the use of cell phones schools

Since 2010, French law prohibits cell phones 'from n'. anywhere and in the interior "

The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, who felt that he was not fully respected, applauded this new law" coming into the 21st century "and which" sends a message to French society ", but also abroad, where" other countries have expressed their interest ".

The education of the electoral program of Macron elected president in May 2017, included the ban on cell phones in primary and secondary schools.


Supporters of the bill claim that the use of smartphones among children in elementary and secondary schools has worsened cyberbullying, facilitated access to pornography and hindered the ability of young people to

Organized crime and the obsession with fashion brands were other negative aspects justifying an attempt to balance the lives of children.

With the information of Reuters and AFP


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