Francisco Piceno Camacho, former mayor of Penjamillo, Michoacán, is shot dead


Francisco Piceno Camacho was an activist of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

Mexico City, November 9 (However) .- Francisco Piceno Camacho, Former Mayor of Penjamillo, Michoacán, was murdered today in Colonia Roma, Mexico City.

According to national media reports, Piceno Camachose I found in the street of Tlaxcala, at the town hall of Cuauhtémoc, when he was attacked by a subject.

The assailant, wearing a cap and dark glasses, shot and managed to escape the scene of the crime.

Emergency teams attended the visit of Francisco Piceno. He was transferred to the hospital, but a few hours later he lost his life.

The Attorney General's office has opened an investigation into the crime of intentional homicide by shooting with a firearm.

Francisco Piceno Camacho was an activist of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

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