Free church students under siege


Managua.- After a day of three days of protest, about 200 people, including students, journalists and religious, arrived yesterday at the Cathedral of Managua after being released from the church where they were Besieged by paramilitary attack has left two dead and two wounded, said Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes; however, the international media report up to 16 wounded.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Nicaraguans participated in a caravan of vehicles in the streets of the capital to demand democracy and justice for the dead against the government of Daniel Ortega. 19659002] The Apostolic Nuncio to Nicaragua, Polish Bishop Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, urged the Ortega Government and the Civic Alliance of Opposition for Justice and Democracy to revive the national dialogue to overcome the crisis that the country is going through and has at least 351 lives

Brenes said two young people were injured by gunshot wounds on Friday night, when paramilitary groups attacked the university's headquarters National Autonomous Community of Nicaragua (UNAN), where about 150 students have remained since April. the Ortega Government

After the violent expulsion, the university students took refuge in the Div ina Misericordia and were attacked by the paramilitaries.

"Bullets passed us over the head," said one of the surviving students. The paramilitaries were 50 meters from the place where they "attacked us ruthlessly and made two attempts to burn the church with us," said the young man, who identified himself like El Negro

"I did not feel scared, they attacked us with AK-47s, Dragunovs and grenades," we only had homemade mortars and barricades ", says another

Two young men lost their lives and two others were wounded there, says Brenes.

One of the deceased was Gerald Vásquez, 20 years old, who studied for the technician. construction in the UNAN state.Other was only identified as Francisco

The young people who were locked up with a dozen students, three journalists, doctors and priests died after to have received precise blows, reported the priests.

The others managed to escape. dan s vehicles, trucks and a bus escorted by the bishops and the Nicaraguan Red Cross, thanks to the mediation of the episcopate. They were greeted by a crowd who sang protest songs and found their families, whom they had not seen for two months.

Brenes said that young people are doing well and that human rights organizations will offer them protection and protection. they fear that they can be arrested or killed when they return home.

Thousands of citizens participated in the caravan Together, we are a volcano, convened by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy; Nicaraguans have demanded the resignation of Ortega, whom they accuse of 351 people killed in nearly three months.

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