Free prisoners with 20 million pesos in cash at Insurgentes


Men arrested on Tuesday at Avenida Insurgentes in possession of 20 million pesos in cash were released because the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) did not find enough items to record them.

According to the investigation conducted up to now, the two men, aged 32 and 44, are employed by Global Gesori Private Security and Transfer Company of Valores SA of C. V whose documents are in good standing, for which it has been determined that the transfer of numbers is justified.

At the time of their arrest, they were found a receipt for service of securities in transit, in which it was pointed out that the address for the delivery of the money was located at the same time. Insurgentes Avenue Norte number 59, in the district of Buenavista, in the delegation of Cuauhtémoc. The address corresponds to the seat of the PRI

The two men did not indicate who is the owner of the company.

For two days, accountants counted and reviewed the insured cash in the Unit. investigation and litigation with the detainee, located in the delegation of Azcapotzalco, where the subjects were taken after detainees.

The Secretariat of Public Security of Mexico City (SSP-CDMX) announced on Tuesday, the arrest of the two men, who were assured of 20 million pesos in cash, which they do not Were able to prove the origin.

They indicated on an information card that on that day the police chief of staff of the police (JEMP) coordination with the staff of the under-secretary of traffic control , installed a Preventive Control Point (PCP), in which asked a review to the crew of a Lincoln Navigator truck, color bl anco, which was circulating in the streets of the Cuauhtémoc delegation

When the preventive review conducted according to the protocol of police action, the crew of the truck was found the same amount, as when interrogating about their legal origin, they could not prove

The subjects, vehicles and the insured money were made available to the Attorney General's Office (PGR), where the corresponding investigation file was launched.


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