Freedom for Lula now, a clamor distributed> World> Granma


Different sectors of Brazil, led by the Workers Party (PT), are plunged into national protests for the 100 days of deprivation of liberty that the former Brazilian principal has accomplished.

In the city of Curitiba, where the Brazilian chief remains in detention, the main act will be held, for the defense of the "political prisoner", as the PT has called in a recently issued statement.

"A hundred days ago Lula is a political prisoner, a situation denounced by artists, intellectuals, jurists, world leaders and it comes down to one of the biggest democratic demonstrations that Brazil has witnessed: the Lula Libre Vigil, which expresses since April 8 a resistance at the doors of the headquarters of the Federal Police, "reads the statement.

On the other hand, the hunger strike was announced that 11 social movement activists will perform in the request for freedom of the former Brazilian president, which begins July 31 and will be part of the popular mobilization process.

"In his arbitrary and violent prison of the 80s", the founder and historical leader of the PT was forced to undertake a demonstration of this kind to attract attention. The TP recalled that society and justice, at the time aligned with the military coup and state violence, met during the Sao Paulo Forum meeting in Havana Lula now which demands the immediate liberty of Lula and in which letters will be sent in favor of his liberty, directed simultaneously to the Palace Planalto, seat of the Brazilian government; at the Supreme Federal Court; at the Ministry of Justice of Brazil, and in all cases that may contribute to the described purpose.

It was agreed to give maximum disclosure to the arguments of the Lula Defense, with the aim of showing the political selectivity that they had in the examination. of the case, for which next August there must be a global tweet in his defense, with the support of the Party of the European Left and all the political and social forces that want to join, in Asia, Africa, United States and Canada.

To these appeals is added the prestigious cultural institution of Cuba, Casa de las Américas, which issued a statement calling for the release of Lula da Silva.

"The parliamentary coup in Brazil against then President Dilma Rousseff is inscribed in the new coup plot that has traveled the continent following the accession to power of several governments of the left, "says the doc umento published by this entity.

Events in support of the South American leader will continue until August 15, when the legal deadline for the Registration of candidates for presidential elections is over.

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