Frida, the rescue dog, already has his statue in Puebla



The authorities of Puebla today recognized the rescuers and volunteers who helped after the earthquakes on September 19, 2017, among them the rescue dog ] "Frida" and master Israel Arauz of whom unveiled a statue

Here we suffered the effects of the 19 September earthquake and we are standing there We realized thanks to the solidarity we have received from us Poblanos, as well as the citizens of other States of the Republic to whom we will be infinitely grateful, "said the President of the Council of the System for the Integral Development of the family (DIF), Dinorah López de Gali.

In this sense, the statue of the canine duo Frida and the master Israel Arauz will be in the Parque Ecológico de Puebla

In the sculpture made by Alberto García Nava and Will Carachure Vielma and interpreted by Antonio Vielma , they represent two more than 165 volunteers who, with great courage and responsibility, have shown that here in Puebla, their kindness and love are most needed, "said Lopez de Gali

pointing out that all these anonymous heroes have changed their lives, his peers, also thanks to the universities and civil organizations and institutions that collaborated in his trench trenches.

For his part, José Antonio Gali Fayad, governor of Puebla said that the Labrador Retriever was an inspiration for many Mexicans and hope.

Gali Fayad mentioned that Frida gained respect, admiration and affection, in the most difficult times when the citizens gave the best of each. great values ​​that distinguish Mexicans and poblanos.

Event authorities unveiled a statue of the canine duo integrated by Frida and the Israel Arauz master, as well as the opening photographic exhibition "Heroes Anonymous" in the ecological park.


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