From Russia, Inés Sainz is launched against López Obrador


The sports analyst shared a message against Tabasqueño through his social networks

"Relation and Financing of the Venezuelan Chavez-Maduro regime to the Campaign of AM López Obrador (MORENA-AMLO) Links and Political Operation , Financing and Venezuelan and Cuban Agents in Evidence of the CUBA Plan in Mexico PART 1: ", writes Sáinz

This publication raised questions from citizens, to which she replied:" And my country can it be worrying? Share information that I find relevant is bad? "

" It's good to know with evidence waiting for us !! That's why I share it. It would never be my intention, I'm only worried a lot about the future of our country, "said Inés.

Then a citizen reminded her, that we are in an electoral veda, she said: "It is closed for political parties and candidates! Not for citizens! It is time to raise the voice and not to contaminate ourselves with manipulated information.It is now that we can speak clearly! Only now! Everyone sees and judge! Inform, this is not violating the ban! not confused. "

Inés Sáinz:" I do not tweet for anyone, I only inform and share what I find interesting.You must be informed.Is it a community service? There is no blind person who does not want to see.I do not say that they vote for someone! Only that they do it by knowing the risks and benefits of each.C & # 39; 39; is an information that is worth reading! If you do not know how to express your opinion without receiving any payment in return, you will not Have nothing! I have this information and I share it. Value and go for it! Whoever wants to take into account that Perfect who does not see it. Only inform? I found it interesting. There is nothing wrong with knowing what is happening in the country. "

The sports analyst is currently in Russia to cover the World Cup.

Source: Regeneration

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