From "Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz" to "Malinche"


Yesterday National chain of eleven created a TV series with which the producer Patricia Arriaga ("Juana Inés") bring this TV channel to consolidate itself as the best content related to the history of Mexico.

And that's since yesterday and in five episodes on Saturday at 9:30 pm on this TV channel belonging to the The National Polytechnic Institute will broadcast "Malinche", the story never told for the small screen of this woman that popular culture has favored is considered the least of the traitors to choose the "white man" who materialized the conquistador Hernán Cortés when there is much more background and what better than a talented woman like Patricia Arriaga, creator of this chain of success ranging from "XY" to "Juana Ines" aforementioned.

"Malinche" features the Guatemalan indigenous actress María Mercedes Conroy (from the movie "Ixcanul") and spoken in indigenous languages ​​such as Totonac, Popoluca, Maya and Nahuatl, she will tell, in addition to Spanish, the story of the woman of origin Popoluca who was a slave of Tabasco (she was responsible for Chontal Maya during the battle of Centra against the Spaniards on March 14). of 1519) and the cacique, when he lost the war, returned it to Hernán Cortés (José María de Tavira) in homage. The Malinche (Conroy) negotiates with the Spaniard to translate it from Nahuatl to Maya in exchange for his freedom until they reach Tenochtitlán. With Jerónimo de Aguilar (Luis Arrieta), he became his interpreter and his fundamental element in the progress towards the capital. the future fall of the Aztec empire.

As a good melodrama in the tradition of historical soap operas that he used us in his good hand "Mr. Telenovela", Ernesto Alonso, from 1962 when he produced the first, "Sor Juana Ines of the Cruz ", featuring the Spanish actress Amparo Rivelles, to "The Torch", of 1996, on the independence movement, "Malinche" will show the ayípico love triangle that forms Malinche, Cortés and Aguilar, which will have its dramatic climax in the fact that the woman, transformed into a concubine of the conqueror, will have a son with him whom she will not hesitate to kidnap to force her to serve as a translator for her new expedition.

Patricia Arriaga said at the press conference about the series that "… of all the productions I've made, it's the one that moved me the most." is also the one I've learned most about the eyes of a Mesoamerican woman, an Aboriginal woman.Our Malinche is a Malinche different from what was presented, we seek to bring it closer to the indigenous culture of 39 where we think it could come from. " The series was directed by Julián de Tavira and was shot in the states of Hidalgo, Veracruz, in the state of Mexico and Mexico City. If you have the chance, do not miss it.

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