Gaining trust and loyalty is the key to success in digital media


Gaining readers' trust is becoming more complicated for digital media, because of the abundance of information in which fake news coexists daily. News consumers demand reliable content to give back with their loyalty.

Aristegui Noticias, Animal Político and Uno TV, members of the Digital Native Media Ranking produced monthly by El Economista and comScore, outperformed some traditional media in volume of readers; Aristegui Noticias, Uno TV and Sin Embargo do so with greater confidence, according to the 2018 digital report of the Reuters Institute.

Digital platforms are becoming more and more relevant in Mexico. 9 out of 10 people prefer to be informed in the digital environment, 71% in social networks, 62% in television, 45% in the print media and only 34% in radio, according to the Digital News Report 2018. [19659002] The website The website of the journalist Carmen Aristegui is the most visited area by Mexicans for search of information content, above El Universal, CNN (where Aristegui participated) and Reforma, proving the preference of readers for independent sites although in some cases. when representatives had the support of the traditional.

"The journalist [Carmen Aristegui] was able to gain the trust and loyalty of the public, but because she started in the mainstream media, with great brands behind." The benefit for Carmen was to start With good content and investigative journalism, the success has been a more aggressive presentation of investigative journalism, "said María Elena Gutiérrez Rentería, a researcher at the Universidad Panamericana and a contributor to the Digital News. Report 2018, that the Reuters Institute conducts with specialists from 40 countries on five continents.

] In May 2018, Aristegui Noticias recorded in the ranking 3 million unique visits of smartphones (main device for reading news in Mexico, according to the Reuters Institute), Political Animal 3.1 million, Uno TV 10.9 million and another 2.4 million. [19659002] Mistrust vis-à-vis the institutions and the l 39; information, without checking It's swarming in the network, has made users feel safe by only consulting a handful of media outlets. Half of Mexicans trust the news they are looking for, 49% in most news and 40% in social networks.

Among the leading creators of reliable content, according to the Reuters Institute analysis, there are three that belong to the Digital Media Ranking: Aristegui Noticias, as the media that generates the most confidence with 7.65 / 10 points; in ninth place Uno TV, with 6.47 points, and in tenth position However, with 6.17 points. The three previous ones are above TV Azteca Noticias and Televisa Noticias

The Economist, who does not belong to the rankings because he was born, is in fourth place among the most trusted media among readers and in second position if only users of El Economista are considered

Trust is the best asset

The success of Sin Embargo shows that investigative journalism is very much appreciated by Mexicans but communication strategies are also needed to target a younger audience, without putting aside the "soft content" because it combines two journalistic variables that can be found in the same place.

"Trust is the most difficult asset to reach and adapt to the journalistic source and you only win by doing a good job in the background and form, content and distribution. 39 they are traditional native or digital media.If I do not have the trust of the public, I am doomed to failure, "said Gutierrez Renteria.

Although 49% trust information in general and less than half in social networks, users do not access it directly. on the other hand, more than half of them find news via search engines, social media, aggregators or platforms that use algorithms to prioritize information, but only 29% know that the selection is automated. The control and journalistic rigor in the news that users want to read would give the impression that they are looking for different sources of information. The reality is that 71% use social networks to get information, mainly Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook Messenger, some of them infested with fake news.

"Mexicans trust a good source.The main source [de acceso a las noticias] are social networks and the Internet, but from there they go directly to the sources of communication companies.We lack a lot of critical analysis of literacy of the content we consume in the media or social networks, "said Gutierrez Renteria

Paying for content offered by publishers with solid experience is an opportunity to fight the false news Little by little, it is gaining ground among readers from other countries, as well as in the media that need a change in the business model, driven by the increase in advertising blockers.In Mexico, 26 of users use ad blockers and 6 out of 10 say that they are very anxious to find out what is real and what is wrong in digital platforms, according to the Digital News Report 2018.

S elon the study collaborator From the Reuters Institute and media specialist, high-end news consumers will demand better quality information content and will be willing to pay for it, including in a "basic basket of information and entertainment". The problem is that in Mexico there is a "romantic" conception of journalism in which the public believes that a good content must be foreign to the source of income of a media, the bad idea if you consider that you must pay the payroll of the journalists and each investigation separately.

More than 7 million Mexicans pay for a subscription to on-demand content services such as Netflix, according to the Competitive Intelligence Unit (CIU). "When you saw us paying so much for Netflix, there is a market in Mexico that is willing to pay for the content, but the strategy is very important," said Gutiérrez Rentería

The Digital Native Media Ranking analyzes the number of Digital media users in Mexico who produce and distribute content., Regardless of category (news, entertainment, sports, humor). Only sites whose main channels of distribution and business are born in digital format are taken into account, although they will later develop traditional media companies, such as print, radio or television.The volume of unique users is analyzed on three platforms. forms: smartphones, tablets and desktop computers

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