Galindo admits the defeat; says that it will not come back to the state government


Noting a rash vote in the juarenses, Ramon Galindo Noriega, an alliance candidate By Chihuahua at the Front admitted yesterday his third place in local elections and advanced the triumph of Javier González Mocken as the standard bearer of the We Will Do History alliance. Assuring that he will not return to the post of Deputy Secretary of the Government in the North Zone who served during the first year and a half of the administration, Galindo Noriega said that in Juarez a vote of punishment was pronounced against the parties in the government but excluded "

" As we all know, the results of the election do not favor us; Obviously, the people of Juarez have not opted for the option we represent. We must accept the decision that the inhabitants of Juarez have taken, "he said at a press conference at the barracks where he executed his campaign

which, he adds, leaves implications for him and the political group that he represents … in the following days

Galindo remained more than 20 points below second place in the results of the PREP in the afternoon of. yesterday with 13.89 percent; the first place he recognized a win is González Mocken, who led the contest with 34.71 followed by the independent Armando Cabada with 33.15

"L & 39 Citizen's expression is clear and is national, very energetically Mexico commented that no He added: "At the state level, we have not done as bad as in the rest of the country, we have maintained very important municipalities like the city of Chihuahua, Cuauhtémoc, Delicias and others, we maintain the majority relative in the congress of state. "

" The people voted against, not in favor of any or all of them (…). "

The municipal leader Sergio Madero, of the National Action Party, intervened to ensure that the defeat in this election for the PAN, which only disputes the victory in one of the nine local districts and four federal districts of Juarez, was not due to a vote of tigo against the current state government led by Javier Corral Jurado, "but to the national dynamics."

"That should not be the assessment of a specific government function, "he noted.

PRD Accept and PRI does not appear

With a vote lower than the null registered in the PREP, the candidate of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), José Luis Barrios, also declared yesterday defeated, while PRI Adriana Terrazas Porras, the fourth place according to the preliminary results, did not appear all day

"The vote did not reflect the work that our candidate for the municipal presidency has done, maybe we have not made ourselves understood with the citizenship, something we fail, "said the interim president of the PRD at the local level, Ernesto Lozano.

At 75.95 of the minutes calculation in the PREP, Barrios recorded .98 percentage points representing 3,000 3,882 votes, a number less than 13,381 votes counted counted up to that moment.

The aspirants of the green miniature and PANAL, Jesús Villa Rivera and Leticia Díaz Rojero, reached a score also lower than the invalid suffrage with 2.5 and 1.76 respectively.

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